The purpose of this organization shall be to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of Calallen High School.

    Membership is by invitation based on academics, character, service and leadership.

    We meet the first Wednesday of every month in the Library at 4:15, unless otherwise announced.

    The Four Pillars of National Honor Society

    Scholarship: Scholarship is characterized by a commitment to learning. A student is willing to spend the necessary time to cultivate his/her mind in the quest for knowledge. This pillar can only be achieved through diligence and effort. Scholarship means always doing the best work possible, regardless of impending reward.

    Service: The pillar of service can be reached in a variety of ways. The willingness to work for the benefit of those in need without compensation or recognition of any kind is a quality that is essential in NHS members. As a service club, the National Honor Society is highly concerned with giving its all to the school and community at large.

    Leadership: Leaders take the initiative to aid others in a wholesome manner throughout their daily activities. Leaders sacrifice their personal interests in order to yield to the needs of others. Leaders need wisdom and self-confidence to affect change in all aspects of their lives. Some examples of leadership can include, but are not limited to, leading group activities in the classroom and in the community, being an officer in a club, being a primary member of the band or choir, or being the captain of a sports team.

    Character: Character is what distinguishes one individual from another. It is the product of constant striving to make the right choices day after day. Students with good character demonstrate respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, caring, and citizenship in all of their actions.

    2018-2019 Induction Requirements

    SELECTION OF MEMBERS:  To be eligible for membership, the candidate:

    1. must be a Sophomore, Junior, or Senior,
    2. have completed at least one full semester at Calallen High School,
    3. have a minimum cumulative scholastic average of 4.5 GPA,
    4. be enrolled in at least one Pre-AP, AP  or Dual Credit class during the year of their induction,
    5. the student must be on the Distinguished of Achievement Plan or Foundation Plan with an Endorsement,
    6. have a minimum of 35 community service hours ** (see amendment for examples of accepted community service hours), and be in good standing in citizenship with school administrators and teachers.

    The students eligible scholastically will be notified and informed that they must complete (in full) a student activity packet.  The teachers will also complete a student character form.  The selection of members to the Calallen Chapter shall be by majority vote of the faculty council.

    The selection procedure shall be determined by the faculty council and shall be consistent with the rules and regulations of the National Honor Society.

    Calallen NHS addendum to by laws for Service


    The pillar of service is generally considered to be those actions which are done with or on behalf of others outside the immediate family without any direct financial or material compensation to the individual performing the service.  This is an essential quality in NHS members. As a service club, the National Honor Society is highly concerned with giving its all to the school and community at large.

    Service hours done outside of required Calallen NHS service projects should fall into the following categories:

    Service conducted in the community under the auspices of a charitable service organization such as:

    • Corpus Christi Food Bank
    • Corpus Christi Chapter of Habitat for Humanity
    • General Land Office Adopt A Beach
    •  Rotary Club Adopt A Beach
    • Driscoll Children’s Hospital
    • Christus Spohn Junior Volunteers
    • Church Volunteering such as Sunday school teacher or assistant, Acolyte (choir is not considered service), or Vacation Bible School
    • Tutoring at the Elementary or Middle School
    • Working in the school’s various concession stands during games, Registration, Fish Camp, or Power Lifting Competition

    Your documented hours from these type organizations must be on letterhead from the organization signed by a supervisor of your volunteer hours.

    Service hours conducted for another school organization will not count if the volunteer hours were required by the other organization you belong to (no double counting).  Documentation can be in the form of an email from that organization’s sponsor to the NHS sponsor. 

    Mowing a neighbor’s yard or doing minor repairs is not considered service.

    Babysitting for free is not considered service.

    This is not an all-inclusive list; however, if it is not listed contact the NHS sponsor prior to the volunteer work to ensure your hours will count.

    Your parents can not sign for your volunteer hours. 

  • Contact: Jennifer Vincent