• Lori Cooley








    Lori Cooley


    Room 513



    Welcome Back, Wildcats!

    A lot of you may know me from the College and Career/Dual Credit Department, but this year I am doing Adaptive Education.   This is my 17th year at Calallen - and I can't wait to see all my returning and brand new Wildcats!  In addition to classes, I am one of the BPA Advisors and one of the Topcat Directors here at Calallen High School.

    Outside of school, I LOVE to travel!  I have two kids:  My oldest, Colby, graduated from Calallen in May of 2018.  He also graduated from DelMar College (two weeks before his high school graduation) as a Firefighter EMT.  He is currently working for the Annaville Fire Department.  My youngest, Cady, graduated from Calallen in May of 2021, graduated from TAMU-CC in May of 2024 with two Bachelor's Degrees, and is currently working on her Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering at UT Health in San Antonio.      My other babies include  a squishy chiweenie named Punkin, and a majestic kitty named Lexi.  

    We have a new team here in the Adaptive Education Unit, and we are ALL ready to start this adventure with our students!



    1st period:  Pre-Vocational Environmental Science, Pre-Vocational World Geography, Pre-Vocational Biology

    2nd period: Pre- Vocational Biology, Pre-Vocational Business Information Management

    3rd period:  Pre-Vocational Biology, Pre-Vocational Communications

    4th period:  Pre-Vocational Health, Pre-Vocational US History, Pre-Vocational Reading

    5th period:  Pre-Vocational Reading 

    6th period:  Pre-Vocational Health, Pre-Vocational World Geography

    7th period:  Pre-Vocational Government/Economics, Pre-Vocational Health, Pre-Vocational Environmental Science



    1992 - Texas Tech University - Prehospital Emergency Management, Paramedic Certification

    1997 - Texas A&M University Corpus Christi - BA Psychology

    2011 - University of Florida - MA Rehabilitation Psychology, Gerontology

    Teaching Certifications:   Health EC-12

                                        Special Education EC-12