- Calallen Independent School District
- Safety and Security
Parent-Student Reunification Procedures
A controlled release reunification typically occurs because of a crisis or emergency. One critical aspect of crisis response is accountable reunification of students with their parents or guardians in the event a controlled release is necessary. The Standard Reunification Method provides the district with proven methods for planning, practicing and achieving a successful reunification.
Reunification Overview
During these types of scenarios it is not only the students and parents/guardians who are trying to function at extraordinary stress levels. Staff and other first responders also feel the strain. By having a defined process, all parties will be better able to function under these conditions.
1. Calallen ISD will establish a Parent Check-In Location. Parents / Guardians will be required to show identification.
2. Students will be gathered in a staging area. “Greeter's” direct parents/guardians to the Parent Check-In location, and help facilitate the process.
3. Parents/guardians complete a Reunification Form, which is used to ensure the whereabouts of students is tracked and to ensure they are only released to authorized persons.
4. A runner will then recover the student from the student staging area and bring them to Reunification area.5. Parent and student are reunified and tracking and accountability are ensured using the Reunification form.
6. Medical or investigative contingencies are anticipated.